Tuesday, February 19, 2008

So what kind of world will the 2008 election provide for my children? Perhaps at no time since the election of President Kennedy has the potential for a true political-generational war existed. And the America that they will inherit from this election will in large part play the role of "foundation" to their adult lives.

In Wisconsin today, we are taking part in the grand American drama of the two party nomination process. When looking at the candidates for 2008 there are several distinctions to be made. McCain seems to be playing the role of "conservative come lately" while Clinton and Obama are more focused at destroying each other - although in recent days that seems to be changing as McCain becomes the perverbial nominee for the GOP.

What will happen in the end will not depend on what great speech was made be a given candidate - but on what demographic will participate in the electoral process in greater numbers. The election rhetoric will be interesting to see if the generation I am a part of finally show our "muscle" in the national debate. Will the values many of our parents left in us truly guide us - or as I have seen in many instances will we focus on our own individual "good feelings". Maybe - as many of my generation have become parents - the "old boss" won't be the same as the "new boss". At least in politics that is.

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